Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Please find below a list of commonly asked questions, as well as Jeff Brown's responses. We'll do our best to update this page as a convenience and courtesy to subscribers.

A sincere and heartfelt thank you to everyone who has written in. We receive and read all emails daily.

If the below does not satisfy your question, we welcome your feedback and questions. Please submit your questions here.

As a reminder, Jeff responds to the most common threads and questions in each weekly Ask Me Anything of Outer Limits.

You can find the backlog of questions he's answered right here in the Ask Me Anything Archive.

Why Am I Not Receiving Your Emails, Even Though I Signed Up?
"We suspected that Gmail, Outlook, YahooMail, Hotmail and more might begin limiting the visibility of Outer Limits, sending our issues to your promotions tabs (despite us not selling anything) or worse, your spam folder..."

To continue reading: Did We Upset the Email Overlords?

Will Jeff Be Reviewing Some of His Previous Brownstone Research Recommendations?
"Hi Angela, I expected this question would come up a lot, so I’m glad you asked it. The last day of my research/writing was on June 9th, 2023, so unfortunately I lost control over my past portfolios on that day..."

To continue reading: What About the Old Jeff Brown Brownstone Research Work?

"While that decision was completely out of my control, I would have maintained that portfolio and continued to provide guidance and updates on the portfolio, as things can change very quickly in the biotech space..."

To continue reading: Will Jeff Brown Update His Biotech Catalysts From When He Used to Work at Brownstone Research?

How Do I Know It's Actually the Real Jeff Brown?
"There are fake websites, fake Twitter accounts, and even fake LinkedIn accounts, so please be careful. These are the only accounts I currently have active..."

To continue reading: The Real Angel Investor Jeff Brown, Formerly of Brownstone Research?

"I have never and will never contact any of my subscribers for the purpose of providing any kind of individualized investment advice..."

To continue reading: What Happened to Jeff Brown, Formerly of Brownstone Research & The Bleeding Edge?

Can I Transfer Over My Old Brownstone Research Membership?
"As an employee of MarketWise Research/Legacy Research, I never knew who my subscribers were. I never saw a list of subscribers, ever..."

To continue reading: My Plans for the Future of Brownridge Research

Will Jeff Brown Be Launching Exclusive Paid Investment Research at the New Brownridge Research?
"I’m very excited about my forthcoming investment research products. I have a number of new products on my roadmap that I’ve been working on for the last few months..."

To continue reading: My Plans for the Future of Brownridge Research

"I’m also anxious to get back at it with specific investment research and recommendations. I have a lot in store for you under planning and hope to launch my first research product next month..."

To continue reading: Where Are the Stock Picks?

Will Jeff Brown Continue His Coverage on Private Placement, Early Reg A and Reg CF Deals?
"Do we really think that venture capital and private equity firms will give up their gains and allow their portfolio companies to go public earlier for the benefit of retail investors? Hell no. And that means that we’re going to have to create our own opportunities for private investments."

To continue reading: Will Jeff Brown Be Covering the Private Investment Markets?

"To hear about his plans to continue this effort, we invite you to watch the following video in Jeff's own words."

To view the Brownridge Special Mission video: Changing the Private Investing Landscape

Does Jeff Still Like Biotech?
"Biotech is one of the industries that I remain most excited about over the next few years..."

To continue reading: End of an Era in Biotech Stocks?

"One of the easiest ways for us to determine that the biotech market is coming back to life is when deals start happening again. I’m happy to say, that time has come."

To continue reading: The Strongest Sign of an Early Rebound in Biotech

Why is Jeff Brown No Longer at the Old Brownstone Research?
"Our connection was abruptly severed this summer when I stopped writing and publishing my research and analysis. For that, I’m sorry. It was deeply disappointing and heartbreaking for me, and yet it was not my decision..."

To continue reading Jeff's private letter: Letter to My Old Brownstone Subscribers

"As for my departure from Legacy Research and Brownstone Research, it was unfortunately not in my control. On June 9, 2023, I was told I no longer needed to research/write any more. That was it. The most painful part for me is that I lost my connection to my subscribers. We were working through the tough bear market together."

To continue reading: What Happened to Jeff Brown, Formerly of Brownstone Research & The Bleeding Edge?

What Happened to Jeff Brown's Perceptron?
"I miss the Perceptron! That was one of the most interesting and most difficult projects of mine. It took years of planning and work..."

To continue reading: Return of The Perceptron for AI Crypto Trading?

"The Perceptron took me more than two years of planning and research and development to bring that product to my subscribers. It is advanced artificial intelligence using deep neural network technology. It is the real deal. And it performed great, despite a terrible crypto winter when I was still around..."

To continue reading: What Happened to Jeff Brown's Perceptron?

Will Jeff Brown Still Be Covering Crypto?
"As for your main question, yes, I do plan on publishing research again on digital assets. I’ve been researching, investing in, and writing about blockchain technology for almost a decade, and we’re still in the early stages of adoption..."

To continue reading: Will Jeff Brown Still Be Covering Crypto Like He Formerly Did at Brownstone?

"I’m glad you wrote in with this question, as it’s something that I’ve been thinking about a lot. It has been a very interesting year for the industry..."

To continue reading: Will We See Jeff Brown Cryptocurrency Research?