Is Google Doomed?
The rumor was OpenAI would launch a new search engine, which would threaten Google’s core advertising business. That wasn’t exactly what OpenAI announced.
Profiting from the leading edge of tech, with high-tech insider and angel investor Jeff Brown.
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The rumor was OpenAI would launch a new search engine, which would threaten Google’s core advertising business. That wasn’t exactly what OpenAI announced.
We won't need a "Dyson sphere" to harness the power of the sun.
The intersections of AI and biotech are full of promise... and opportunity.
The recent update on Republic stated that Digital Eclipse has been fully acquired by Atari.
Just yesterday, DeepMind released AlphaFold 3. But it’s not what we might think.
“Excited” is not even a big enough to word to describe what’s happening in biotech right now.
OpenCRISPR empowers users to create proteins for use with CRISPR technology...
Atlas rises... and sets a new bar for robotics.
I’ve never received so much vitriol.
Jeff Brown has more than three decades of experience as a high-tech executive, investor, and investment research analyst.
He's widely known for his candid and untarnished analysis and insights into the world of tech, biotech, economics, and investment research. Millions have read and enjoyed his work at his most recent role as founder and chief investment analyst at Brownstone Research, where he worked and published for 8 years.