Hello Jeff: Will you be reviewing some of your previous recommendations or totally not looking back and going forward? — Angela B.
Hi Angela, I expected this question would come up a lot, so I’m glad you asked it. The last day of my research/writing was on June 9th, 2023, so unfortunately I lost control over my past portfolios on that day.
While I do not have any plans to formally cover all of my old portfolios, as I am no longer with Brownstone Research and Legacy Research, I am happy to take questions about specific companies.
However, please know that it takes an extensive amount of time to properly conduct in-depth reviews — and I’ll only ever review a company publicly here after doing that research. So I’d like to ask for patience. It’s just me right now, as I don’t have the support of my past, outstanding team.
If there are any subscribers that have questions about specific companies, please feel free to write in. I only ask to prioritize, so I’ll know where to focus.
Also please note that I have no idea what exists in Brownstone portfolios now, as I have no access to that information. I can’t speak to that at all.
Thanks again, and please let me know if there are any specific companies that you’d like for me to dig in on.