Get Ready for a Private Investment Opportunity

Jul 30, 2024
Get Ready for a Private Investment Opportunity

It has been about a six weeks since we moved over my daily research and analysis from Outer Limits to The Bleeding Edge

I hope that everyone has continued to enjoy the incredible topics that I’ve been writing about. And if anyone missed the move, you can sign up for The Bleeding Edge right here at Brownstone Research.

That doesn’t, however, mean that I’m going to stop researching and publishing here at Brownridge Research. Quite the opposite.

Brownridge will focus all of its energy on privately traded securities and digital assets. The focus at Brownstone Research will be on publicly traded securities and digital assets. The two will be highly complementary to one another.

I appreciate everyone’s patience through this transition, and I’m writing today with some exciting news.

Get Ready for What’s Coming

I have some incredible research to share on a private investment opportunity in the generative AI space. 

It’s an early-stage AI company that I have been in contact with for more than a year, and I have spent a lot of time with the founder and CEO of the company, including a few visits to the company headquarters.

The company is in the process of raising capital, effectively its seed round, and the deal will go live any day now. This is just a heads up to get ready for what’s coming.

Nothing is hotter right now in the public or private markets than artificial intelligence, especially generative AI. It’s incredible to have an opportunity to gain access to a such an exciting company in this space.

I’m exciting to get this research out to my subscribers as soon as the deal goes live.

Importantly, any current subscribers to Day One Investor at Brownstone Research will automatically receive my research when published by e-mail.

And for any Outer Limits subscribers who want to gain access to the research, I’ll soon be announcing an online event, where you can get all the information on Day One Investor and how to sign up. It would be great to have you on board as a subscriber and as a member of the Day One community.

Just one critical reminder, these rare opportunities to invest in such high growth, high potential early stage companies are not missed by smart investors. Great deals are “sold out” typically in just a few days, and sometimes just a few hours – the fastest was just over four hours.

So for anyone interested, it’s important to know that we have to move fast, because once a crowdfunding raise has been filled up, that’s it. There’s no more allocation for additional investors.

Please be on the lookout for more updates in the next few days. It will come fast, so please keep an eye on your e-mails.



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